If we do not know what is happening in our own country, then we may be unfit to govern ourselves

Dear Editor,

The fallacy of our government requesting from the USA Department of Justice evidence related to sanctioned individuals in Guyana is fraught with hypocrisy. Anything shared by the USA with the Guyana Government will be limited at best, since the USA is extremely cautious in disclosing sources and methods. Keep these two words in mind for the coming months. If we do not know what is happening in our own country, then we may be unfit to govern.

Having been in technology for many years I have a good understanding of how the apparatus works. Some of us may lack an understanding of the electronic intercept capability by foreign governments, whether its Pegasus software, or the more sophisticated derivative managed only by the USA. Other countries are also doing electronic intercepts, all electronic communication today leaves a footprint. That is what most are afraid of.

The average Guyanese have nothing to worry about unless you are a target or subject of an investigation. Do not throw away your current cellphone, the technology in use by some governments is very sophisticated, the new cell phone will be compromised within minutes even if you change your number. Those you called in the past will automatically and unknowingly give away your identity and location once they call you.

Ever wonder why the USA and Israel have been able to target senior terrorists and eliminate them… electronic surveillance! I laugh when some say they have anti-virus, or they deleted the files. The fact that your cell phone is temporarily confiscated is to corroborate the electronic with physical evidence.

Again, the average Guyanese have nothing to worry about.

WhatsApp is safe and secure for most of us but be aware if you engage in illegal activities, get some Messenger Pigeons to communicate secretly.

Bin Laden’s messenger/courier failed him, and we know the outcome. Messenger/homing pigeons do not speak, cannot make deposits, withdrawals, money transfer but can fly hundreds of miles and carry messages to an exact destination! These sanctions will bite and set a good example for our government how to manage individuals and public officials.


Everton D Morris