2024 US presidential elections could have a defining impact on global politics

Dear Editor,

I watched with interest the recent televised presidential debate between President Biden and former President Donald Trump hosted by CNN. The debate provided useful perspectives on the policy-orientation of the United States on important issues such as the wars in Ukraine and Palestine, climate change, the US economy, immigration among others. The CNN moderators did a good job in getting the two men focused on the issues of relevance even as the debate at times became personal and acrimonious. 

The race for the White House is expected to be tight. Voters are almost evenly split on the choice of their next President. The debates will likely impact the undecided voters which could be decisive in terms of the outcome of the presidential race. Elections will soon be held in two other major western nations, namely France and Britain the outcome of which could determine the course of the war in Ukraine and immigration policies in Europe.

The recent EU elections have indicated a growing influence of the far-right especially in France and Italy. The focus however is on the outcome of the November 20 US presidential elections which could have a defining impact on global politics.


Hydar Ally