Walton-Desir and Forde’s political maneuvering

Dear Editor,

The recent withdrawals of Amanza Walton-Desir and Roysdale Forde from the race for the position of PNCR Leader, following in the footsteps of Dawn Hastings-Williams, presents a striking moment of political maneuvering. This move, steeped in realpolitik, could signify a pivotal moment for the PNCR, the main opposition in Guyana.

We must hope that these resignations are not mere sparks of integrity but the beginning of a guiding flame. This flame has the potential to lead the party out of the dark tunnel of outdated political dogma and into an era of renewed principles and modern governance. The PNCR has long been shackled by its traditionalist stance, and this development may be the catalyst needed to embrace a more progressive and inclusive vision.

It is crucial for the party to seize this opportunity to reflect and evolve, ensuring that the values of transparency, accountability, and forward-thinking policy take center stage. Only then can the PNCR truly serve the best interests of its members who are mainly Afro-Guyanese, but the broader community of all races and regions in Guyana.


Keith Bernard