Some moves from the fourth Grand Prix

Loris Nathoo
Loris Nathoo

Playing in Guyana’s 4th Grand Prix chess tournament, Ethan Lee and Ronuel Greenidge’s game ended in a draw, in 67 moves.

Greenidge, playing black, employed the tricky Nimzo-Indian Defence. On move 16. …Nexc4 black snatched a pawn while white concentrated on breaking up black’s kingside pawns. Black faced off white’s queen with 22. …Qh7 but white would have none of it. White intervened with a bishop driving the queen away to the queenside. On his 25th move, perhaps white could have tried something else. In the endgame white fought with a rook against a knight and a passed a-pawn. A draw was agreed to on the 67th move.

At the time of writing this, Loris Nathoo and Sachin Pitamber were still to play. Nathoo forfeited his game with Kishan Puran, but was unbeaten thus far.