The enemy of truth

Hitting a brick wall (Photo: AI generated)

Albert Einstein once said,“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”

Our younger years, amongst other things, are a seemingly perpetual hunt for an ultimate truth which is only brought to an end by the depletion of knowledge that is attainable to us. Perhaps this is why many of us find subjects such as science and theology so interesting. They are avenues through which we can continue our hunt for the truth. When we stop seeking new truths, then it can only mean that we have attained everything that matters to us, or we have fallen to a place where nothing can possibly matter anymore.

So, for the children whose whole world is bounded by the lines set by the figures of authority who surround them, the attainment of a personal truth is often as simple as crossing those boundaries. Thus, the familiar concern posed by rebellion and disobedience is raised.