Mums and Bubs caters for new moms in more ways than one

 Cynthia Jagnandan
Cynthia Jagnandan

Mums and Bubs stands as more than just a retail establishment — it’s a sanctuary of support and empowerment for mothers navigating the often challenging journey of childbirth and early motherhood. Located on Carmichael Street in Georgetown, within the Sach Store, Mums and Bubs owes its existence to the personal experience of its founder, whose encounter with the reality of postpartum care sparked a mission to redefine maternal support in Guyana.

Cynthia Jagnandan, owner of Mums and Bubs said, “I’ve just had a baby a little over a year ago and the inspiration came after and I was about to leave the hospital after two days and I as saying bye, the maternity nurse said, ‘your pads are so nice I have never seen that big size before’.

“I was dumbfounded because these were maternity pads. This is a middle-aged woman, she was in this field for years in Guyana and she hadn’t seen maternity pads on a new mom before. At first I was surprised but it kept nagging at me and then I realised how tough it must be for other women to not have something as basic and essential as a maternity pad. Because after giving birth you bleed a lot. I couldn’t imagine women using the small uncomfortable and inconvenient pads, when you’ve just given birth and [as] I started looking into it more and I realised there was a need for this product.”