Build capacities to tackle corruption head-on

Dear Editor, 

I recently spoke with my nephew (who was born in the UK) about Guyana being one of the fastest growing economies in the world and is set to be the next Dubai. His response was “as long as they can get rid of the corruption”. Seems as if the issue of corruption in Guyana has reared its head again and is now being pronounced on by people who are not Guyanese. The democratically elected PPP/C Government of Guyana needs to tackle corruption head-on.

It needs to do more. It needs to enhance the capabilities of those entrusted in enforcement so that they can do their job better. It is no laughing matter that the USA are better informed about corruption in Guyana than local law enforcement agencies. 

These agencies needs not only funding but also training to do their job. Guyana needs help to rid itself of corruption. Seeking outside help from USA or Interpol may be the way to go. The question is “Is there the political will to rid Guyana of corruption?”


Sean Ori