Miners group welcomes assurances by gov’t over gold smuggling

-additional surveillance for mineral trading entities

The miners’ association yesterday welcomed what it said were assurances from the government for ramped up measures to interdict gold smuggling including additional surveillance of entities trading in minerals.

Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association’s (GGDMA’s) statement followed another on Saturday which had launched a searing attack on the government for not doing enough to address smuggling of the precious metal. Statements of that type have usually incensed the government, possibly explaining why there was an almost immediate follow-up by the GGDMA welcoming progress.

In its statement yesterday, the GGDMA said it “welcomes the usual prompt response and action aimed at the continual improvement in the mining sector”. It said that the President of the GGDMA, Ronaldo Alphonso and other executives were engaged over the weekend following a call for more support to curb illegal mining and smuggling in the sector. According to the statement, the Government says that in addition to already existing measures there will be ramped up efforts to deal with the issues highlighted and that the GGDMA fully supports these measures and welcomes this definitive action.