Ambassador Ramsammy should set out to win new business for our struggling sugar industry

Dear Editor,

The recent letter in the press by Dr. Ramsammy was very insightful and touching. We must however remember that each ambassador’s position in Europe is quite expensive and should have a clear objective as to what must be accomplished during each tenure.

As previously mentioned, Demerara Sugar is being used by Lindt in their product. Unfortunately, the name “Demerara Sugar” is also associated with sugar produced by Colombia and Mauritius. Only Guyana can offer “Genuine Demerara Sugar”, and given Dr. Ramsammy’s experience in the Ministry of Agriculture, it is CRG’s hope that he will be able to make inroads into the Swiss chocolate industry. Lindt alone accounts for approximately $5 Billion USD in annual sales.

Dr. Ramsammy will be a very successful ambassador if he was to set and achieve the goal of winning new business for our struggling sugar industry with Swiss Chocolate Companies. Having an established trademark of “Genuine Demerara Sugar” will help arm him with what he needs to be successful in such a pursuit. The government of Guyana must ensure that this trademark is established.


Jamil Changlee


The Cooperative Republicans of
