Police still probing possible duck eggs sabotage

Dwight Walrond

The Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA) is still grappling with an alleged case of sabotage involving a significant number of duck eggs at its hatchery, according to CEO (ag) Dwight Walrond. Speaking with Stabroek News yesterday, Walrond confirmed the ongoing investigation by  authorities, stating, “The police are still conducting their investigation as of today.”

The controversy arose following claims made on social media by the APNU+AFC party alleging damage to 30,000 duck eggs. However, Chairman of the GLDA, Madanlall Ramraj clarified that while an assessment was underway, the reported figure was inaccurate. “It was not 30,000 eggs damaged, a detailed report is currently being compiled to provide clarity on the situation,” he emphasized.