Suspect arrested over murder of Aranaputa labourer

A 28-year-old suspect is in custody for the murder of 21-year-old labourer, Joao King, of Aranaputa Valley, North Rupununi, which occurred on Sunday about 17.00 hours at Aranaputa Valley.

It is alleged that both the suspect and King were intoxicated at the time of the incident. The stabbing occurred when King asked the suspect to purchase more beer, which he (the suspect) refused to do. This led to an argument between the two and King’s reputed wife had to intervene to separate the two.

According to the police, the suspect had returned home from the interior at about 10.00 hours on Sunday and at about 13.00 hours the same day, he began imbibing alcohol at his grandparents’ residence, located about one mile away from his home.