Political parties may want to consider empowering citizens’ participation in their 2025 manifestos

Dear Editor,

As Guyana’s main political parties have recently elected their leaders and are now preparing for the pivotal 2025 presidential elections, the nation stands at a crossroads. This moment is reminiscent of Paulo Freire’s seminal work, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, which emphasizes the need for an engaged and critical citizenry to overcome systemic inequalities and achieve true liberation.

Freire argues that genuine liberation can only occur when the oppressed become aware of their conditions and actively participate in transforming their society. This concept is particularly relevant to Guyana today, where the electorate must critically assess the platforms and promises of their political leaders. The process of electing new leaders should not merely be a procedural formality but an opportunity for the populace to voice their aspirations and demand accountability and transparency.

In Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Freire emphasizes dialogue as a means of empowerment. The political landscape in Guyana should encourage open dialogue between leaders and citizens, fostering a participatory democracy where policies reflect the people’s needs and ambitions. This dialogue must transcend superficial engagements and delve into the root causes of socio-economic disparities, ensuring that elected leaders are genuinely committed to addressing these issues.

As the 2025 elections approach, it is crucial for Guyanese citizens to embrace Freire’s vision of critical consciousness. Voters must scrutinize the candidates’ histories, their commitment to democratic principles, and their plans for sustainable development. The political leaders, on their part, must prioritize educational reforms, social justice, and economic inclusivity, aligning with Freire’s belief that education is a fundamental tool for liberation.

In conclusion, the upcoming elections present an opportunity for Guyana to move closer to the ideals espoused by Paulo Freire. By fostering a politically aware and engaged electorate, and by holding leaders accountable to their promises, Guyana can pave the way for a more just and equitable society. The legacy of Freire’s teachings can serve as a guiding light in this critical period of the nation’s history, ensuring that the process of electing leaders is a step towards true emancipation and progress.


Keith Bernard