Guyana’s MMA federation participated in anti-doping forum

The Guyana Mixed Martial Arts Federation (GMMAF) participated in an International Mixed Martial Arts Federation (IMMAF) Anti-Doping Health Workshop on June 26th.

This was confirmed by an official release from the federation. According to the correspondence, Dr. Sawan Jagnarain and Dr. Dennis Bassier represented the federation at the forum, noting that their participation underscores the entity’s commitment to the well-being of its athletes.

Topics covered at the forum included the Prohibited List, Therapeutic Use Exemptions, and the role of team physicians at events. The panellists were Dr. Lucienne Attard, Dr. Carole Okoth, and Dr. Mark Stuart.

Meanwhile, Dr. Bassier said, “It is my opinion that the Guyana Mixed Martial Arts Federation is another step in the right direction as it complements the ongoing national development, especially in the ambit of Sports. The Federation offers another avenue through which persons can channel their energies and promote Guyana on the regional and international stage. It is a sport which demands that the individual be in peak physical and mental condition in order to succeed. There is great potential for the progressive expansion of the Federation and Sport in Guyana.” “The World Anti-Doping Association training programme offers keen insight into the health and well-being aspect of sports for both healthcare and non-healthcare providers. It highlights some of the intricacies of the health aspect of the individual’s preparation for sports. I highly recommend this programme for persons involved in any way with sports, especially those who believe in clean and fair sporting competition”, he further said.