Harbour bridge authorities’ must adhere to their own traffic management schedule

Dear Editor,

I write this letter to raise a very disgusting, frustrating and annoying situation that has been occurring at the Demerara Harbour Bridge recently. We know that the bridge management has been implementing a double lane system to ease the traffic congestion. For quite some time now, I knew there are 2 sessions early in the morning (6:15Am and 7:20Am) and 2 in the afternoon (16:30 pm and 18:15pm). It seems like the Harbour Bridge has increased its double lane secessions to more than the regular known schedule.

Last week, I had to go two times to the Cheddie Jagan International Airport. I planned my journey early at a time (14:30) of which I expected the bridge traffic will be flowing normal. Lo and behold, a double lane session kicked in and lasted for one and a half hours. Similar situation happened again on the 3/7/2024. This can never be right and fair to the traveling public and to be more specific, motorist. There are people who carefully plan their airport journeys. There are those who have appointments, be it doctor, job interview or other important schedules. We must never forget those who plan to catch the Essequibo, Bartica or Leguan ferry.

Having said all above, I believe the management of the Harbour Bridge needs to establish clear and well publicize schedule of its double lane time so commuters can plan their lives and daily activities and to reduce the disgusting, frustrating and annoying inconveniences they suffer on a daily basis.

Sincerely,                                                                                              C. Woolford