Perhaps it is time to have a poll on who will be the best opposition presidential candidate

Dear Editor,

I have tremendous love and respect for Dr David Hinds and other officials in the WPA but it would be dishonest of me to say that the WPA can and will garner more votes than the AFC anytime and anywhere. Further, let me make it pellucid that it is perilous for our party, the PNCR, to go it alone in the 2025 elections and expect to be victorious at the polls. Yes, the PNCR will be the largest party in any coalition formed but I doubt whether we will have the numbers on our own to secure a convincing win against the PPP if any win at all. I must emphasise how crucial this upcoming national election is to save Guyana and bring the change that the country is in dire need of and must have.

The issue of having the best possible presidential candidate is critical to an opposition/coalition win and we must explore that with surgical precision and microscopic analysis. Voters from the PNC block, those supporting the AFC, WPA and smaller parties that are opposed to the PPP, will look to a personality with a national pull and not a party pull only. Further, that personality for the 2025 presidential candidate must be able to cross the ethnic divide to pull votes from the thousands who are uncertain about the PPP.

Most importantly, that candidate or consensus candidate must have all that it takes including the requisite financial resources to stage a successful campaign like never seen before. We cannot get this wrong. We cannot argue that the presidential candidate must come from the larger party in any coalition. We have a powerful, wise and wicked political party and government to defeat at the 2025 polls.

Talking about polls, perhaps it is time to have a poll on who will be best presidential candidate to capture and win the support of the hundreds of thousands of Guyanese who wish to see the back of the PPP come next year. Less than four thousand in our party decided on who they wish to lead it. Kudos. The party has spoken through those delegates and members but our hundreds of thousands of supporters and other Guyanese will have to decide who is best to be that figure and face that will debilitate and destroy the PPP at the polls.

This is only my opinion and more than being a diehard PNCR man, my most important and urgent priority is to see the back of the PPP in 2025. If we are to be honest, Nigel Hughes is the only politician in any party in the opposition that has a greater pull than anyone in the PNC and elsewhere. But that is my opinion which I have a right to. However, let’s take this to the people. That poll among other things is needed urgently. We must be surgical and microscopic in this instance. Too much is at stake to play politics in politics this time.


Norman Browne

Social and Political Activist