UG researcher leading efforts to ensure sustainable fish farming

Samantha Forrester, lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry at the University of Guyana

The University of Guyana’s (UG) staff and students have been busy in area of research in critical areas such as food security and environmental management and one researcher has been leading the way with her work in safeguarding the health of fish and ensuring they are reared in a sustainable manner.

In a release yesterday, the university focused on that researcher, Samantha Forrester, an aquaculturist, who is a lecturer and researcher and has been attached to UG’s Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry for over nine years. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the University of Guyana and a Master of Science in Fisheries Science from Nanjing Agricultural University in China, the world’s top fish producer. She explained, “With support from UG, I was selected for the MOFCOM [Ministry of Commerce of China] Scholarship, and the University of Guyana granted me study leave to bolster my research.”