Does the Jagdeo promised Hughes-Exxon inquiry reveal a vulnerability in his own government’s position?

Dear Editor,

In a plot twist worthy of a telenovela, Guyana’s political landscape has turned into a veritable soap opera. Our very own Vice President and General Secretary of the PPP, Bharrat Jagdeo, has decided to play pirate, firing a warning shot across the bows of the oil companies operating in our backyard. His target? The alleged business dealings between these oil titans and the law firm of Nigel Hughes, the AFC’s new head honcho, raising concerns about potential conflicts of interest related to the AFC’s role in Guyanese politics.

This marks a notable shift in the government’s rhetoric, suggesting they’re ready to accelerate their campaign for the 2025 Presidential elections. First on the agenda is the vital oil industry. Jagdeo has vowed to launch a formal inquiry into the potential conflicts of interest, which promises to make for some intriguing developments.

However, Jagdeo’s bold stance raises a tantalizing question: Did his comments reveal a vulnerability in the government’s position? For the first time, it seems there’s an acknowledgment of the government’s own political challenges. By addressing an opponent of Nigel Hughes’ caliber, Jagdeo might be setting the stage for an engaging political season.

As the Exxon saga continues to unfold, it’s clear that the company’s growing political and socio-economic influence is an issue that cannot be ignored. So, fellow citizens, let’s stay engaged in this evolving political narrative. The promised inquiries and government actions will undoubtedly shape the future of our nation’s relationship with these oil giants and others interested in our natural resources.


Keith Bernard