Mr Hughes and this knotty Exxon relationship

Dear Editor,

The new AFC Leader, Mr. Nigel Hughes, is hitting some sweet notes.  there is still that sour one hanging.  Mr. Hughes has spoken of what he would do in his first 100 days if elected to Guyana’s highest national political office.  Good, and though only in broad outlines, they hit some key areas, pack a wallop.  All eyes are on oil, and his every word is hung onto.  So is he also.  From my perspective, this whole business, all these post Congresses developments boil down to one word: trust.  If there isn’t that, then nothing doing.  And if there are few intentions to make good on commitments in these early heady days of leadership rising, then all that this-the grand plans, and lush promises-amount to is the regular speechifying of clever Guyanese political figures.

If there is one thing for which Mr. Hughes and his resurgent group should be given credit for is putting oil on the table.  What is intended?  How this will evolve.  A mark is awarded.  A Petroleum Commission will come into being.  Another mark is added.  Mr. Hughes has asserted that he will not have any input or involvement with the AFC Oil and Gas Committee.  The one-man policymaking and sole decision-making apparatus favoured by the PPP Government is a recipe for disaster, exactly what has resulted.  Still, I must be candid: the first smatterings of doubt arise.  If so, how is this committee going to work?  Indeed, I can visualize that sensitive committee being given the freest rein to deliberate and recommend, but unless it has complete autonomy and the fullest decision-making power, then the AFC leader is skating in a no man’s land.  However independent that committee is, it still must report to the head, especially considering that oil is of such vaulting national importance.  He cannot be insulated from it, and the committee is not immune to his presence.  Considering the intimate spaces within which Guyanese function, recusals do not have much weight.  Moreover, I think that much of this, all of what goes on in that AFC Oil and Gas Committee, would hinge on the calibre of the people in it.  The presence of Dr. Vincent Adams is an inspired one, with many positives.  From my own dealings with him, I discern a straight up presence, a no-nonsense person, which can only redound to the benefit of his party and Guyana.  One more mark.  I wish I could say the same about the PPP Government’s luminaries in Guyana’s oil business.  It’s a blotch on my oil scoresheet.

Elsewhere, I disagree with Mr. Hughes when he said that in his present leadership capacity that “I am not in a position to influence government policy, particularly as it relates to Exxon.”  There is certainty that the AFC leader is familiar with what constant pressure applied on the PPP government’s blind spots (pre-return to power commitments, leaders’ walking back on their words relative to oil) could make it sweat.  Relentless public outcry properly marshaled, and pressure strategically applied could make the government beat a hasty retreat occasionally.  Last, the maintenance of an unsparing spotlight on the government’s policy failures and costly practices in the oil sector could make the government pause momentarily.  Those practices, I may add, are what this country can least afford.

Now, I venture again into booby trapped territory: Mr. Hughes and his relationship with Exxon via professional contract.  With much difficulty, I give a pass to his dogged assertion about no conflict of interest.  Plus, as stated before, I agree that no law prevents his representation of Exxon.  But I put this before brother Nigel: has he considered that there is a possible contradiction in vision?  I elaborate.  There is all his extraordinary talk about money into the bank accounts of citizens through the operation of law, other encouraging programmes.  It is a laudable political vision.  It requires mega money, with only one source.  Sooner or later, his vision collides with the immovable stance of Exxon, i.e., no more money.  His independent O& G committee would be involved in many good oil areas, but not in its economics.  This circles right back to the leader, and that baton cannot be passed.

Thinking of this, what is then going to be the most muscular, the most electrifying, of Mr. Hughes campaign for national leadership?  Campaigning started last week.  He may avoid taking challenging oil positions today, but for how long more?  I think he limits his communication power, inhibits his pulling power, while there is this knotty Exxon relationship on the one hand, and his running for top office on the other.  The countdown for national elections has started.  It could be this year, early 2025, or beyond.  Some considerable US Dollar income is sure to be foregone, if there is parting of the ways now.  But that parrot will not be there and talking out of turn on the way forward.  I think that such a move has unmatchable merits.  It is Mr. Hughes’ to make.


GHK Lall