Criminals amongst the ranks

Dear Editor,

The robbery of millions at a bank under the cover of police uniforms, and false statements being added and then withdrawn from official police investigations, removes all confidence in what is going on at police headquarters.

A twelve story building for the police should no longer be on the cards until the GPF can clean up their ranks and regain the public’s confidence in their ability to prevent crime and corruption. This is the same Force whose members were being beaten in the streets and that are constantly being accused of taking bribes. If the Force doesn’t show that they are capable of catching the criminals amongst them then they will continue to be disrespected on the road.

Law and order in the country is already in need of improvement. The GPF must first wipe out the corruption in the Force. Only then should we consider strengthening the GPF with a twelve story state of the art building. To do so beforehand will only lead to increasing the strength of the criminals amongst them.


Jamil Changlee


The Cooperative Republicans of Guyana