They who accuse Hughes of conflict of interest should resolve theirs with the Guyanese people

Dear Editor,

The recent election of Mr. Nigel Hughes as AFC leader and the so-called “conflict of interest” he faces based on the fact that his law firm represents Exxon/Mobil is, in reality, another attempt by the PPP/C hierarchy to weaken the opposition and to deflect the public’s attention away from much more important social, economic and political abnormalities which are surfacing to weaken this government’s one seat “majority” in Parliament. Editor, as I have stated before, Exxon and oil is the best thing that ever happened for our country -better than Bookers and sugar; better than Omai and gold; better than Reynolds, Bosai and bauxite; and certainly better than the lopsided, confused governance, always botching deals and always wrecking our economy, which the people of Guyana have had to endure up to this day.

So, Editor, there is really no problem with Mr. Hughes’ position in entering the political landscape and Guyanese should admire the fact that the best and richest corporation in the world would choose his law firm to make sure all is well with Exxon’s interests in Guyana. Exxon is not, repeat not, a carpetbagger company but a legitimate entity represented by an honourable, credible and  fully respected law firm; Mr. Hughes has a fine reputation in  Guyanese legal circles. The conflict of interests resides in those who tolerate nepotism, bribery and corruption which engulfs our dear country, while mis-spending the increased revenues which Exxon hands over every year as regular Guyanese become poorer and emigrate to better pastures.

Mr. Hughes should be congratulated for taking up the fight for a better Guyana and I wish him well – anyone associated with Exxon/Mobil the way Mr. Hughes and his law firm does, should be held high in the hearts of all Guyanese and all the naysayers should instead give Mr. Hughes the political space to define his political perspectives and intentions as the next general election approaches. I am confident that Mr. Hughes will bring a fresh breath of political air for all of us and alleviate any “conflict of interests” in relation to Exxon while other political entities should concentrate on their own conflict of interests with the Guyanese people who deserve much better.


Cheddi (Joey) Jagan Jr.