Mohamed’s disputes NPTAB figure of $858.7m for GFS HQ

The GFS Headquarters

-says wasn’t paid for extra work

Mohamed’s Enterprise is disputing the $858.7 million bid the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB)  said it made for the Guyana Fire Service (GFS) Headquarters contract, saying its bidding and contract documents and receipts shows it bid $614 million and was only paid that amount.

The company also says that it did some $200 million in additional works on the project and this was rejected by the Ministry of Home Affairs, although its receipts and works were cleared by engineers. And although the ministry said it would pay $21 million of the $200 million sum, it did not honour that amount, as to date, they have not received “a blind cent.”

“I signed for $614 million, was paid $614 million, [and] did $202 million in extra work. The min [ministry] refused to even discuss it…,” Nazar  Mohamed of Mohamed’s Enterprise told Stabroek News following a story published in Sunday’s edition  that stated he had bid $210 million above the engineer’s estimate for the contract to build the GFS Headquarters.