Our cassava crops are under siege from caterpillars

Dear Editor,

I am writing to draw urgent attention to a pressing issue affecting the farmers of Hope and Craig East Bank Demerara villages. Our cassava crops are currently under siege from a relentless invasion of caterpillars, threatening our livelihoods and food security.

Despite our best efforts, including the application of pesticides more than six times, the caterpillars continue to devastate our crops. The repeated spraying not only incurs significant costs but also raises concerns about the long-term health implications for both the farmers and the environment.

We urgently call on the Ministry of Agriculture to intervene. Immediate support in the form of expert guidance, effective pest control solutions, and possibly more sustainable and safe agricultural practices is crucial. The farmers of Hope and Craig villages need the Ministry’s assistance to protect our crops, sustain our incomes, and ensure the stability of our local food supply.

We hope that by highlighting this issue, we can expedite the necessary actions from the relevant authorities. Your support in bringing this matter to the forefront is highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Mario Imrit