What is Asha Kissoon still doing in Parliament?

Dear Editor,

Please permit me, as a taxpayer, space in your newspaper to query the validity of Asha Kissoon’s continues occupancy of a Parliamentary seat in Guyana’s Parliament and the lack of traction on GECOM’s part to query/remove Asha Kissoon from the Parliamentary seat she is still occupying. In the public space, it was mentioned, ad nauseam, that she has abrogated her responsibility by continuing to occupy a Parliamentary seat, when, in fact, a Joinder Agreement of the 3 political parties, A New and United Guyana, (ANUG), The New Movement (TNM) and The Liberty and Justice Party (LJP), was signed. This tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) delineated that  TNM, Asha Kissoon’s, will occupy the joinder Parliamentary Seat for a period of 90 days. Sadly, as of today, Asha Kissoon has not relinquished that parliamentary position and continues to enjoy taxpayers’ dollars.

This begs the following questions:  How can the members of her TNM party or the general public repose any confidence that Asha Kissoon, has/is working diligently to uplift all Guyanese and not for the sake of self-aggrandizement?

Why are the GECOM Commissioners, three appointed by the government and three by the opposition, and helmed by the Honourable Justice Ms.Claudette Singh, all paid with Guyanese tax dollars, silent on this seemingly, egregious and contemptuous act of Asha Kissoon? Do the current Clerk of the Assembly and/or the Speaker of the House have any credible/validated input on this issue?

The public needs this thunderous veil of silence to be lifted. 2025 Elections are quickly approaching.


Jonathan Subrian, Esq.