Baby dies in Enmore fire

The scene of the fire (GFS photo)
The scene of the fire (GFS photo)

A three-month-old boy, Leroy Archer died in a fire yesterday at Enmore.

The Guyana Fire Service (GFS) said that at 10.25 am yesterday it received a call alerting to a fire at Lot 202 Enmore, East Coast Demerara.

Water Carrier #16 from the Melanie Fire Station and Water Tender #106 from the Mahaica Fire Station were immediately dispatched to the location, carrying a total of 9,463.5 liters of water. The first appliance (WC#16) arrived on the scene at 10:35 hrs, and the first jet went into action at 10:36 hrs, the GFS said.

Nine firefighters, under the command of Station Officer Moore, responded to the incident.

The fire involved a wooden and concrete building of two floors, owned by 73-year-old Pulkumar Miller and occupied by Chandroutie Manickchand, 29, Leon Archer, 24, Lorenzo Archer, 2, and three-month-old Leroy Archer.

The building and its contents were destroyed as a result of the fire, leaving three persons homeless.

Additionally, another two-storey building located at Lot 204 Enmore, East Coast Demerara, owned and occupied by Brian Dos Ramos, suffered severe damage to its southern guttering and ceiling due to radiated heat from the building of origin.

The release said that two jets working from Water Carrier #16 tank supply, along with a hose reel working from Water Tender #106 tank supply, were used to extinguish the fire.

Investigations are ongoing to ascertain the cause of the fire.