Gov’t writes US DoJ for sanctions info – AG

The Government of Guyana has written to the United States Department of Justice for information it said it needs on the sanctions placed on businessmen Nazar Mohamed, his son Azruddin, and Permanent Secretary Mae Toussaint Jr Thomas.

“As promised last week, I dispatched under my hand, as advised by the US Department of Justice, the requisite requests for information, statements, evidence, depositions, documents, or other exhibits relating to the publication by the US Treasury in respect of the sanctions imposed on Nazar Mohamed, Azruddin Mohamed, Mohamed Enterprise and Mae Thomas, as well as the designated entities of Hadi’s World, and Team Mohamed Racing Team,” Attorney General Anil Nandlall SC on Tuesday informed, during his weekly ‘Issues in the News’ programme aired on his Facebook handle.

“As you are aware, it is being alleged that these persons are accused… of committing a number of criminal offences in Guyana [and] the Government of Guyana has already made it very clear that these grave allegations of criminal conduct will be thoroughly investigated by the relevant law enforcement agencies of the state,” he added.