Georgetown is now a city of contrasts – between the haves and have nots

Dear Editor,

As I wandered through the streets of Georgetown these days, I couldn’t help but notice the stark contrast in the city’s realities. The streets are filled with vibrant tall buildings, bustling stores, and lively establishments, giving the impression of a thriving city. However, interactions with people on the streets revealed the hardships faced by many Guyanese. The high cost of living meant that even a five-thousand-dollar note could only buy a few small items, and twenty thousand dollars could only get two small plastic bags of food.

Despite the thriving businesses, I also noticed piles of garbage and an increasing number of homeless people on the streets. This stark contrast led me to realize that the city’s development did not necessarily reflect a good quality of life for everyone. And the sad thing is, only a few people seem to show concern about this problem. The prevailing issues of inequality, corruption, injustice, and poverty that crucify the masses highlighted the need for more efforts from those in power to address these concerns.

Given that the country is now an oil-producing state, the government must take action to assist the poor and downtrodden. Addressing the high cost of living could be a starting point to improve the lives of the struggling masses. By doing so, the hope is that Georgetown can develop into a city with fewer contrasting experiences of rich and poor, and ultimately advance as a thriving equitable and environment-friendly capital of the oil-rich Guyana.


Medino Abraham