The policy of cronyism is manifesting itself as the oligarchic class in Guyana

Dear Editor,

I am writing on behalf of the voices of the Movement to express our deep concern regarding the current political landscape in Guyana under the People’s Progressive Party (PPP). The pervasive and entrenched system of cronyism and political oligarchy is not only eroding our democratic values but also significantly harming our business environment. The unchecked entertainment of cronyism within the PPP administration has led to a continuous depletion of our National Treasury. This administration’s practices have resulted in the systematic mismanagement and exploitation of our country’s resources, with the consequences being most acutely felt by small businesses and poorer segments of Guyana. The government’s favouritism and selective awarding of contracts stifles entrepreneurship, discourage fair competition, and hinder economic growth.

While we wholeheartedly support the vision of “One Guyana” and the idea of progress, it is essential that we achieve these goals through adherence to the rule of law at all levels of government. Unfortunately, the current administration’s actions, often cloaked under the guise of progress, have resulted in the blatant misuse of our national funds. This has led to the erosion of trust and has stifled the potential for genuine and sustainable development. The issue of cronyism has also led to significant repercussions on the international stage, as evidenced by the sanctions imposed by the US Department of Treasury. These sanctions have implicated key members of the PPP and have exposed the underlying issues of corruption and lack of respect for the rule of law. This is not a new phenomenon for the PPP, as we have witnessed similar challenges during their previous twenty-three years in power. The current administration, despite President Irfaan Ali’s efforts to promote transparency and good governance, continues to be plagued by these issues.

To break free from the shackles of this political oligarchy, it is imperative that we implement stringent anti-corruption measures. Our financial systems and procurement processes must be fortified by closing existing loopholes that facilitate illicit activities, reducing the extensive powers of the Executive and empowering the Public Accounts Committee with the authority to subpoena and enforce accountability as critical steps towards achieving transparency and good governance. The hardships faced by Guyanese today are a direct result of the government’s large-scale borrowing, which seems to be driven more by short-term political gains than by sustainable economic planning. The blatant corruption within the PPP is exacerbating these challenges, leading to a bleak economic outlook for many citizens.

It is crucial for us, regardless of our political affiliations—whether MUD, APNU, TCI, ANUG, or PPP supporters—to recognize that the well-being of our nation transcends party lines. We must unite our voices to demand better governance and accountability. As Guyanese, we share a common fate, and it is incumbent upon us to advocate for a system that promotes fairness, equity, and prosperity for all.


Denzel St Hill

General Secretary

Movement for Unity and Democracy