Two neonatal deaths at Suddie Hospital in June, not five as claimed by opposition – RHO

Suddie Public Hospital
Suddie Public Hospital

Two neonatal deaths were recorded at the Suddie Public Hospital in June and not five as claimed by the parliamentary opposition.

Dr. Ranjeev Singh, the Regional Health Officer (RHO) yesterday said  that the allegations published on the Leader of the Opposition’s Facebook page suggesting that five neonatal deaths occurred in June within the hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) are wrong.

While speaking to Stabroek News,  Dr. Singh stated, “We did not have 5 neonatal deaths in June, and we have never gone without an OBGYN team or gynecologists.”

According to his statement, only two neonatal deaths were recorded in June, both due to severe complications arising from premature birth. These infants, born between 35 to 38 weeks gestation, faced significant health challenges including haemorrhagic syndrome and multi-organ failure due to congenital heart disease. Dr. Kalesh Latchminarine, head of the department, was reported in his statement as saying that in June, nine newborns were admitted to the NICU. Of these, seven infants survived, while two succumbed to complications during their stay.

Addressing concerns raised by the opposition about the absence of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (OBGYN) at the hospital, Dr. Singh assured the public that the hospital has never operated without a qualified OBGYN team. Any claims suggesting otherwise, he asserted, are inaccurate and misrepresent the hospital’s operational standards.

In response to ongoing developments, Dr. Singh said to Stabroek News  that the Medical Superintendent is conducting an investigation into the recent incidents and that the results will be publicized. Dr. Singh reiterated the hospital’s dedication to upholding the highest standards of healthcare delivery, noting ongoing training programmes for medical staff and adherence to rigorous safety protocols within the NICU.

Furthermore, Dr. Singh emphasized that the NICU at Suddie Public Hospital has undergone recent improvements, including the inauguration of a new wing equipped with state-of-the-art facilities earlier this year. This expansion has significantly bolstered the hospital’s capacity to provide critical care, underscoring their commitment to enhancing healthcare services in the region.

Dr. Singh emphasized the hospital’s commitment to addressing any issues promptly and effectively to uphold the trust and confidence of patients and their families in the healthcare services provided by Suddie Public Hospital.

The Ministry of Health has been called upon by the Opposition to investigate the matter further and provide a comprehensive report on the findings.

The Parliamentary Opposition in its statement yesterday said that it is deeply concerned about the alleged gross mismanagement of the Suddie Public Hospital.

“Several nurses and doctors at the hospital have reported that there were no Obstetricians or Gynecologists (OBGYN) on duty for at least two weeks and as such mothers and their babies were at risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. Both Gynecologists were on leave. The Neonatologist has since returned; however, the Gynecology Department remains without a specialist”, the opposition alleged.