A doctor’s on call shift remuneration is quite frankly unacceptable

Dear Editor,

It was through a casual conversation with a friend of mine who works at the nation’s largest referral hospital, Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) that I discovered that Doctors are issued a contract that gives a flat rate of $4,000 for an “On-call shift”. This is a shift that is activated either every 3 to 5 days per week, depending on the department and the number of available doctors. This equates to an On-Call Medical Doctor working an additional 16 hours per week at minimum. However, under the Labour Act, any hours of work beyond the legislated 40 hours per week (no more than 5 days) is required by law to be remunerated at overtime.

The $4,000 for 16 hours is equivalent to approximately G$250 per hour, which is below what would have been the hourly overtime rate using a doctor’s current salary. I am of the view that this can create a steady pipeline for doctors to go into private practice and starve or critically affect the quality of care at our public health institutions.

Maybe, the critics may say Doctors are not entitled to overtime, because of their seniority. And if so, surely the allowance amount can be revisited as the current arrangement seems unacceptable, illegal and quite frankly disrespectful to the people we entrust with saving our lives. Surely, being away from their families and working longer hours should be valued and compensated differently.

Medical Doctors have taken an oath to serve. They cannot protest but it does not mean that they should be treated lightly, or their rights trampled upon.

I am hopeful that the Minister of Health and the management of the nation’s largest referral hospital will take bold steps and advocate for the improved well-being of the nation’s doctors. After all, we are and have always been a resource-rich nation. Of the $129.8 billion that was budgeted for the continued transformation of the health sector, let us not forget those who must deliver the care.


(Name and Adress Provided)