Neonatal deaths should be a thing of the past

Dear Editor,

Two neonatal deaths (SN July 13) are still too many.  The RHO should be concerned about the causes of these deaths and not about whether it is two or five.   Further, the telling revelations by the opposition (KN July 13) should prompt investigations and accountability by those responsible.

In this twenty-first century neonatal deaths should be a thing of the past, have no place in modern Guyana, but if it occurs then swift investigations and findings should be the outcome.  Anything less would be unacceptable.

Over in Trinidad, the case where  seven newborn babies died in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at the Port of Spain General Hospital in April, prompted the authorities there to launch an immediate investigation with international help, PAHO.  The investigation findings highlighted several deficiencies in the operations of the Hospital.  There are lessons to be learned from this unfortunate occurrence.

Yours faithfully,

Shamshun Mohamed