The explanation of Minister Bharrat is one that I believe

Dear Editor,

I saw the Facebook posting last Friday that Minister Vickram Bharrat on Thursday was escorted by Federal Agents upon his arrival at the John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York and questioned. I hoped that it was not factual as it would be a great embarrassment for Guyana. This was a posting of great impact and should have only been posted if the Minister had indeed been questioned. Minister Bharrat has since denied that he was questioned and stated that he was indeed met by agents as a courtesy and was expedited through immigration as he was going to see his father who had taken ill.

I can state that I have in the past had that same courtesy extended to me on numerous occasions when I was travelling to and from the USA. I was met at the door of the aircraft by Federal Agents, taken to the Diplomatic Lane and was expedited through Immigration. The courtesy did not end there as I was further accompanied to retrieve my baggage and escorted to the exit. There I was bade farewell and I expressed my thanks. I make this point to indicate that the explanation of Minister Vickram Bharrat is one that I believe and hope that postings that have the objective of casting aspersions should be accurate before attempting to vilify.

Yours faithfully,

K.A. Juman S.C. A.A.