Waves and walls

Waves on the sand (AI generated image from Freepik)

Suffering, much like happiness, comes in small and large waves. It finds us on the shores of life and engulfs us until it feels as if there is nothing else in the world for us to feel or see. Then, before we even realise it, it will recede back to where it came from and leave us wondering whether it ever truly did exist. Those who have learned life will continue to walk on the shore, enduring the waves until they finally begin to enjoy it. Those who are still learning will struggle and fall with the hope that they too will love the sea just as the others do.

Life, like the sea, is not the same everyday, and it is especially not the same for every single person. It is easy to allow the virtue of perseverance to account for those individuals who have succeeded in the art of experiencing waves without allowing the water to drown them. However, even determination and perseverance cannot withstand every single wave.