Ramkarran says Dr Kissoon has acted fraudulently by not resigning from Parliament, has no credibility

Dr Asha Kissoon

Former Speaker of the National Assembly, Ralph Ramkarran has launched a scathing attack on The New Movement’s (TNM) Dr Asha Kissoon for not resigning from Parliament to make way for the third member of the list-joinder parties, ANUG.

Ramkarran, a member of A New and United Guyana (ANUG), said Kissoon’s fraudulent action has left her without any credibility. Under an arrangement among the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP), ANUG and TNM, Kissoon was to have relinquished her  seat to the ANUG representative last year but has not done so up to now. Repeated queries to her by this newspaper for an explanation have not yielded a result.

In his column in yesterday’s Sunday Stabroek, Ramkarran noted that it was  agreed with the TNM, which gained only approximately 500 votes and was entitled to only a three-month stint in the National Assembly, that the latter’s representative should take up the seat after LJP as if early elections were called, TNM would have lost the opportunity of sitting in the National Assembly.