Suriname-Guyana Chamber business conference to be held in October

The Suriname Guyana Chamber of Commerce (SGCC), yesterday in a press statement, announced the launch of its International Business Conference (IBC)  which is to be held in October this year.

The launch was held at the Marriott Hotel on July 13, 2024. The launch event was opened by SGCC’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Rahul Lildhar, who highlighted the preferences of the SGCC membership as one that enables missions, business to business  meetings, and direct business engagements. These preferences were the driving forces behind SGCC’s co-hosting of the event, the statement said.

According to SGCC’s press statement, Lildhar stated, “Our members value opportunities for direct engagement and meaningful business interactions, which is why we focused on creating a platform that facilitates these connections.” Chair of the SGCC, Dr. Vishnu Doerga, emphasized the importance of the conference in fostering regional cooperation and economic growth. He remarked, “The International Business Conference is a testament to our commitment to create a conducive environment for business and investment in Guyana and Suriname. We are proud to bring together key stakeholders to explore and capitalize on the vast opportunities available in our region.”

Ramsey Ali, President of the Guyana Manufacturing & Services Association (GMSA), at the conference, envisioned Guyana as the primary destination for manufacturing in the Caribbean. He stated, “Guyana has the potential to become the manufacturing hub of the Caribbean, and the IBC is a crucial step towards realizing this vision.” Liselle Blankendal, Suriname’s Ambassador to Guyana and also honorary member of the SGCC, spoke on the importance of collaboration between Guyana and Suriname. She highlighted the shared commitment of both nations to fostering economic growth and strengthening bilateral ties.

Amar Alakhramsing, Director of the Suriname Investment and Trade Agency (SITA), in addressing the role of SITA in promoting Suriname as an attractive destination for business said, “Suriname is open for business, and through collaboration with our regional partners, we aim to create a thriving business environment that benefits all.” And Dr. Peter Ramsaroop, CEO of the Guyana Office for Investment (G-Invest), expressed his support for the IBC and emphasized the importance of practical engagements focused on closing business deals. He welcomed the hosting of the event in Guyana and encouraged the actionable outcomes.

The statement said several Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) were signed at the sidelines of the event. These included an MOU with SITA and SGCC to strengthen trade opportunities between Suriname and Guyana. Additionally, MOUs were signed with the Canada Chamber of Commerce, represented by  Rochelle Parasram, the Dominican Republic Chamber of Commerce, represented by  Leonida Foo, and the European Chamber of Commerce, represented by Dr. Alista Bishop. These agreements, according to SGCC’s press release, fosters stronger advocacy, joint events for members, and collaborative efforts to address cross-cutting issues while preventing duplicity.

The conference, scheduled for October 15-17, 2024, brings together over 500 delegates from local and international business communities. It will feature focused conference sessions, workshops, and interactive seminars, providing valuable insights and practical knowledge across various sectors.