Guyana, Peru to intensify co-operation

Guyana and Peru have pledged to expand  co-operation in the areas of energy, food security and climate change, a statement yesterday from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

 Recently, Foreign Secretary Robert Persaud met with the Peruvian Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Peter Camino in Lima where they broached specific areas of ties between the two countries.

 The statement said that Peru plans to expand its framework of co-operation with Guyana in the mining, agriculture, tourism, and construction sectors among others, through direct investment and technical assistance initiatives.

 The Vice Foreign Minister noted Guyana’s leadership in the region as well as its commitment to advancing a number of issues of mutual interest both within the hemispheric fora including in ACTO and the Brasilia Consensus.

 The statement said that Persaud took the opportunity to update the Peruvian Vice Foreign Minister on the current case before the International Court of Justice regarding the Guyana-Venezuela border controversy.

 Guyana and Peru established diplomatic relations on July 17, 1971.