Murder suspect granted bail on armed robbery charge

Shaheed Mohamed

A father of two was yesterday granted $250,000 bail by Magistrate Marissa Mittelholzer at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court after he pleaded not guilty to armed robbery.

Shaheed Mohamed, 23, of Lot 1 East Ruimveldt, on March 25 2024 at Lot 25 Block 4 Lamaha Spring while armed with a hand gun allegedly robbed Alison Shelock of US$400 equivalent of GUY$80,000 and a bag valued $10,000.

In objecting to the man being granted bail the prosecution pointed out the seriousness and prevalence of the offence while informing that that the accused was likely to face a murder charge shortly.

Mohamed’s legal representative told the court that his client has no antecedents, and that his client was initially charged with the offence of murder so it came as surprise to the defence when they were told about the robbery charge being brought instead.