Trans woman’s murder file to be sent to DPP

Shaun Anthony Simon
Shaun Anthony Simon

The murder file on Shaun Anthony Simon, a trans woman, who was shot and killed on King Street and South Road last Thursday, is expected be sent to the office Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for advice. according to Regional 4 ‘A’ Commander Assistant Commissioner Simon Mc Bean.

Several persons were held for questioning in relation to the shooting death of Simon, a 28-year-old on July 11, at King Street and South Road, Georgetown, McBean told this newspaper.

Enquiries revealed that on July 11, the victim (who is said to be a sex worker), along with a 26-year-old trans woman of West La Penitence Housing Scheme, Georgetown, were standing at the corner of King Street and South Road when a heavily-tinted silver-coloured Toyota Premio motorcar (registration number unknown at this time) entered King Street from Croal Street and several loud explosions suspected to be gunshots were heard coming from the direction of the car.

Upon hearing gunfire, Simon, along with her friend, ran east on South Road, and collapsed to the ground. The car meanwhile, continued north on King Street and disappeared.

With the numerous surveillance cameras that the government has established throughout the city, it is unclear why the police have not yet said whether there is footage of the vehicle and the licence plate number.