It is our politicians who do not want to renegotiate this exploitative lopsided oil contract

Dear Editor,

The exploitative nature of ExxonMobil has not gone unnoticed. With nearly all the politicians in Guyana supporting the ExxonMobil/Guyana lopsided oil contract, ExxonMobil has effectively State Capture Guyana. There need to be a fairer distribution of the income from Guyana’s oil industry between ExxonMobil shareholders and Guyanese. Hence, there needs to be a renegotiation of the ExxonMobil/Guyana oil contract. I do not believe that pressure needs to be applied to ExxonMobil. I believe the fault lies in our politicians in not wanting to renegotiate this exploitative lopsided ExxonMobil/Guyana oil contract. ExxonMobil is not about to walk away from Guyana’s oil hence they will renegotiate; it is just a question of HOW MUCH they are willing to let Guyanese have for Guyana’s oil. More pressure needs to be applied to the politicians to get them to WORK IN GUYANESE INTEREST rather than in ExxonMobil shareholders’ interests.


Sean Ori