NIS appears not disposed to visit and assist this 93-year-old

Dear Editor,

On January 11, 2024 I completed copies of a form sent to me by the National Insurance Scheme.

The form consisted of a formal application to be addressed to:

The General Manager

National Insurance Scheme

Brickdam & Winter Place



The form required that I, “the applicant signatory, request of the General Manager to appoint my bank – Scotia Bank – to act as my Representative and to receive and give all receipt on my behalf for all sums of money which may become due, owing and payable to me by the NIS Board”.

A copy of the completed document was returned to the NIS and one sent to Scotiabank, Waterloo Street Branch.

I kept a copy for myself.

To date no acknowledgement of receipt has been heard from any of the parties. So I sent reminders to each by registered mail.

Bourda Post Office

Date: 19th April, 2024

Post Office Receipt – YY542088

General Manager

National Insurance Scheme

Date: 19th April, 2024


General Manager

Scotia Bank

Waterloo Street

Date: 30th May, 2024

YY 542528

No form of recognition of any kind was received

I accordingly proceeded to forward the usual Life Certificate normally signed by my doctor, Dr. Leslie Persaud (Brickdam) to the General Manager, National Insurance Scheme on 28th June, 2024 by Registered Mail.

Again, in the absence of any response a friend and colleague arranged for me to speak to an NIS Representative by telephone, who assured me that:

The Agency had received no related, no completed form(s).

ii)   no correspondence recently.

iii)  it would forgive the missing Life Certificate

iv)  the Voucher Book could not be delivered

v)   I must collect at the Agency personally

There are two constraints to this caveat: i) I have no living relative in Guyana

                                              ii) I am immobile at 93 years and cannot ambulate.

NIS appeared not disposed to visit and assist.

                I have merely been sent fresh forms to complete.

In the meantime, I am yet to be in receipt of Pension – for how long??

Incidentally, in the milieu two representatives of Scotia Bank responded most solicitously to my enquiries.

But however everything remains static.

My time is running out much too quickly.

Yours faithfully,

E B John