Speaker did receive letter seeking recall of Asha Kissoon

Dear Editor,

Thank you for sharing my missives with the general public, about the Asha Kissoon squatting in parliament fiasco. Your public sharing has opened a veritable Pandora’s Box which seems intertwined with many Machiavellian twists. This  has acutely piqued the interest of our tax paying public. The finger pointing- “dem seh, he seh”- colloquialism is hurtling back and forth.

On July 12, 2024, in a published letter, one of GECOM’s Commissioners, Mr. Vincent Alexander, purposefully detailed the internal GECOM quandary and the undignified way this Asha Kissoon’s ignominy is playing out. Additionally, in the public space is a transmitted video, purportedly, of Mr. Vincent Alexander adding opprobrium to this ruination. Again, on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, News Source GY, issued a statement that on Monday, July 15, 2024, the Clerk of the Assembly, Mr. Sherlock Isaacs was contacted and Mr. Isaacs contended that if such a letter was sent to the Speaker of the National Assembly from the Representative of the TNM List, then that would be sufficient to recall Dr. Kissoon from Parliament. Mr. Isaacs is correct.  But he is assuming that no such letter was sent to the Speaker of the House, Mr. Manzoor Nadir or, perhaps, he is unaware that the letter was indeed handed to Mr.Nadir.

Editor, this letter exists in the public domain and was reported on in various media outlets. For unambiguity, the details are herein.

On March 14,2024, the Asha Kissoon’s recall letter was penned by Dr.Gerald Forde, TNM Leader of the list, and on March 15,2024, hand delivered to the Office of Speaker of the House, Mr. Manzoor Nadir. In the presence of the deliverer, Mr. Manzoor Nadir acknowledged receipt and instructed his Personal Secretary to sign for the received letter.

Editor, suffice it to say, this interminable prolix is causing the tax payers dollars to be, directly or indirectly, recklessly squandered by the negligence of factions in GECOM and the dithering temporization of the Speaker of the House, Mr.Manzoor Nadir.

Editor, as in Guyana’s Parliamentary administrative construction, the President handpicks the Speaker of the House with the expectation that the Speaker of the House will be impartial in the execution of his job portfolio.

Since this current chaotic entropy is infecting the public, I am humbly requesting the intervention of President Ali and anticipate remediation of this grievous situation. 

The espoused “One Guyana” initiative is under the microscope. All are watching.


Jonathan Subrian Esq.