APNU calls for new membership on occasion of 14th anniversary

The A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) coalition has taken the opportunity on its 14th anniversary to recommit to the six core principles established and set out in APNU’s Statement of Principles, and to open its doors to new membership.

In a release yesterday, APNU noted that July 15, 2024 marked 13 years since the coalition was birthed and highlighted its second core principle which states that: “Membership of the Coalition will be open to all Guyanese parties, organizations and citizens who subscribe to these core principles and to its social, political and economic programme.”

It also made it known that it was open to receiving members who are willing to abide by the coalition’s core principles. “As we begin this new year; a year which symbolizes adaptability, resourcefulness and independence and carries the energy of transformation, we hereby inform all that the APNU is open to receiving members at the level of political parties, civil society organizations and citizens who believe and are willing to abide by our core principles.

According to the release, APNU recognises that it needs all who are capable and willing “to join forces to unseat the PPP at the next General and Regional Elections.” It too declared that it was an inclusive entity committed to the creation of a Guyana in which her citizens can live productive lives “free from the ravages of poverty, are secure in their homes and in their communities and are able to enjoy the benefits of political, social and cultural liberation.”

Finally, APNU expressed the conviction that a positive transformation of Guyana can only be achieved by an inclusive electoral coalition built around the political parties, organized labour, farmers’ organisations, community-based organisations, faith-based organisations, civil society bodies, and patriotic citizens, all “committed to develop Guyana into a united, stable and prosperous nation where the well being of each citizen is assured, irrespective of ethnicity, social status, gender, religion or political persuasion.”

In June, APNU created waves when it announced it had held a meeting and that Vincent Henry of GAP was the new chairman.

The stunning development came to notice after the PNCR issued a statement declaring that any purported election for A Partnership for National Unity was null and void. APNU had been the brainchild of former PNCR Leader Robert Corbin. It  was formed in July 2011 in order to contest the 2011 general elections  and in addition to its main force, the PNCR, comprised smaller parties such as the Guyana Action Party, the Justice for All Party, the National Democratic Front and the Working People’s Alliance.