Emergency works on West Watooka Road to begin today – Edghill

After a thorough examination and consultation with engineers, Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill, has given the go-ahead for emergency repair works to commence on the West Watooka Road, a vital thoroughfare in Linden, Region Ten.

“We are engaging an emergency contract to get this fixed. Works will begin (this) morning,”  Edghill announced yesterday.

According to a Department of Public Information (DPI) release yesterday, the minister made this pronouncement at a recent outreach in the region, where he inspected the road following numerous complaints from residents and road users about the challenges posed by its current state.

He noted that the road has suffered from the effects of the rainy season, with a collapsed culvert worsening the situation. With the commencement of emergency repairs, residents can expect improvements that will enhance both safety and accessibility on the road that serves as a critical link for residents and businesses in the mining town.

However, the minister emphasised the need for proactive maintenance and responsible usage of the roadways, and criticised the approach taken by some regional officials.

“I have noticed that the approach in Linden, especially with the political directorate is that they walk around and take pictures and do videos and they figure that, that is representation.”  He also disclosed that all the roads in the town are already earmarked for rehabilitation.

“The government has already committed to doing all the roads. What the people who are doing their videos and all the rest of it, they should help us to ensure that trucks with all the lumber and the overweight don’t come on these roads and destroy it.” 

The DPI also noted that significant infrastructural projects are underway in Linden, which will generate increased income opportunities for small contractors and residents in the region. This influx of economic activity, it posited, is expected to foster substantial economic development in the area.

Further, these initiatives are integral to the government’s broader mandate as they create employment opportunities, as well as nurture community engagement and development, the release added.