Sixteen-year-old Trinidad boy dies after contracting dengue

Quinton Gabriel
Quinton Gabriel

(Trinidad Guardian) The Ministry of Health yesterday revealed that there have been three dengue deaths and 303 laboratory cases in the country. But on Tuesday, 16-year-old Quinton Gabriel of Robert Hill, Siparia, who had contracted dengue, died at the Point Fortin Hospital, one day after he was warded. His relatives suspect he could be the country’s latest dengue fatality.


His parents, Keith and Ayanna Gabriel, said doctors confirmed that he had contracted dengue, but he also suffered from sickle cell disease.


The Siparia West Secondary School student fell ill days ago and complained about weakness and body pain. Keith said they took him to the Siparia Health Facility three times over several days, and on the last occasion, which was Monday, he was sent to the Point Fortin Hospital.


He said his son was warded and administered IV fluids, but the following morning, the access port on his hand was detached. The father said he informed the nurses, but they took a long time to respond. 


“They stayed a long while, and they gave us two bottles of water. They said that is going to keep him hydrated until, so they never put on the drips until late the evening and all that time his blood count down drop, his platelets done drop, because that is what they said was going on with him.”


Gabriel said his son’s condition further deteriorated.


“When it was around 3 o’clock, I realised that my son was dying. The way he was watching me, his eyes was open big and bright and then his eyes start to close down. When I rest my hand on his chest I realised that his heart stop beat.”


He immediately got the doctor, and they responded quickly. They told the father that Quinton had a low pulse, and they hooked up the IV and blood, but he passed away shortly after. He said his son would have celebrated his birthday on September 25 and was looking forward to being promoted to Form Four. 


The father complained that the Siparia Borough Corporation only sprayed for mosquitoes yesterday morning after his son’s death. Quinton’s grandfather, Allan Alexander, said mosquitoes were rampant in the community. 


“It really disgusting, night and day, no matter what time is mosquito. The bad part about it too is that they come after he passed away to spray when they could have come days ago and probably avoid what gone on,” he complained. 


Siparia West/Fyzabad councillor Jason Ali, who visited the family yesterday and is trying to assist with funeral arrangements, said the corporation sprayed the area two to three weeks ago, but they lacked resources.


He said they had reached out to the Ministry of Health for assistance, but so far, only the corporation has been spraying in the area. 


Lamenting that there had been several suspected dengue cases in his electoral district, he said the mosquito situation is out of control. Noting that the corporation covered Penal to Icacos, he said they had one vehicle used for spraying and three machines, which were insufficient to cover the region.


“We are stretched for resources at the Siparia Borough Corporation, and we are asking for any help from the Ministry of Health to see how they can assist us in the Siparia Borough Corporation.” Ali pleaded with anyone who could assist them with chemicals or other resources to contact the corporation.


The councillor also advised residents to ensure that their surroundings are clean, including keeping the grass maintained, discarding old containers and the grass is cut, ensuring barrels and other containers are covered and adding two drops of bleach in water.


In response to the family’s claims, the South West Regional Health Authority indicated that a detailed inquiry was underway.