Fix the water and sewerage systems before road rehabilitation

Dear Editor,

It is great to hear news of the planned continued development of the road network and the extensive rehabilitation of the current road infrastructure. The water system and the sewerage system are also in need of repair and improvement. Doing so before repairing some of the roads will prevent increased spending, by not having to dig up the renovated roads in order to fix any damage to the underground water and sewerage lines. Georgetown is in urgent need of new water lines and sewerage lines. Other areas have similar issues. Not too long ago, sewerage and water mixed in the Timehri area.

CRG recommends that the Government develop and implement a comprehensive plan to renovate and improve the water and sewerage systems before renovating the roads that would be impacted. It is also an opportunity to expand these systems to the Greater Georgetown area and remove the need for the use of septic tanks. The expanded systems will also need sewerage treatment plants. This type of investment will help improve the standard of living of the Guyanese people. Allowing for safe drinking water in every home and a cleaner environment where sewerage is prevented from entering the surrounding environment when flooding occurs.


Jamil Changlee


The Cooperative Republicans of
