GuySuCo has not cannibalized its only aircraft

Dear Editor,

The Management of the Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc., (GuySuCo) wishes to address the erroneous and malicious claims made by one Carl Persaud in the July 14, 2024, edition of Village Voice titled “Minister Mustapha must investigate GuySuCo Director and Senior Management on this matter.” Firstly, management wishes to categorically state that there has been no cannibalization of the Corporation’s only Agriculture Aircraft: PT6-34-AG Ayres Turbo Thrust Commander. In fact, while this aircraft is currently out of operation due to ongoing engine repairs, all its components and accessories are intact and in the possession of the Corporation.

Because of the  aircraft’s inoperability, which is due to its engine having reached its maximum operating hours and the need for overhaul that would take  approximately six months, the Corporation has decided to outsource the Aerial Application of Herbicide and Ripener services for the period the aircraft is inoperable. Failing to pursue this critical operation would result in adverse effects to the coming second crop yield and field sanitation by the lack of weed control and fertilizer application.

Congruent with Public Procurement stipulations, the Single Source method of procurement was applied where a request for quotation was made directly to the only available agency that provides this type of service.  A contract was then awarded in June, 2024 and that service is currently being provided by the awardee. On the completion of the engine overhaul, GuySuCo will continue the aerial application of herbicides and fertilizers using its own aircraft. Management will not venture to respond to the statements made in the letter on discussions held at the Board Meeting since those statements were figments of imagination by the writer.


Arun Ashley Ramcharran

Communications Officer
