As Guyana’s structural buildout grows JTW Management institute announces July 25 OSH forum

JTW CEO Joycelyn Williams.
JTW CEO Joycelyn Williams.

With the physical transformations, not least the multi-sectorial makeover ‘explosion’ unfolding in Guyana, the need for the burnishing of the country’s Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) profile has become a matter of the utmost urgency. This reality is illustrated in the fact that even at the inception of what is expected to be a protracted process of physical across-the-country structural transformation, the fragility of Guyana’s OSH regime has continually shown up through workplace accidents/tragedies, many of which are believed to have been avoidable. 

With the vast extent of the country’s ‘makeover’ agenda now becoming increasingly apparent, the privately-run JTW Management Training Institute Inc. continues to fashion its curriculum to respond to the extant and emerging needs of both the public and private sectors. Specifically, the range of the entity’s expertise embraces corporate training, adult education and workplace development, among other specializations.

At a juncture when the local construction ‘building’ sector is fashioning its own transformations to ‘fit in’ with the country’s envisaged development profile, the various facets of its pursuits will require an enhanced sensitivity to considerations that embraces the upgrading of the workplace culture to place enhanced emphasis on disciplines that enhances the standing of the workplace, not least, Occupational Health and Safety.

Following the staging of the country’s second international investment conference staged in Georgetown earlier this month which attracted global attention, the JTW Institute has announced that it is seeking to raise awareness of the importance of OSH through a One Day Occupational Health and Safety Seminar on Thursday July 25, 2024.

During previous interviews with this newspaper, Ms. Joycelyn T. Williams has contended that the extent of the growth and expansion which Guyana is now experiencing and the occupational safety and health implications that arise therefrom require an intimate knowledge of the country’s OSH laws and regulations. This, she believes, will render Guyana’s investment profile more universally attractive given the assurances that it will provide that critical laws governing the various aspects of workplace safety and health are not only known but strictly adhered to.

 Information provided to the Stabroek Business indicates that the forum will be addressed by Chairman of the National Advisory Council on Occupational Safety and Health, Earl Morris, and will allow discourse on provisions that govern the Occupational Safety and Healthy rules and practices in Guyana. The forum is designed to allow for involved interaction on issues that include understanding and applying the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health legislation; The Roles & Responsibilities of the Employer & Employees; What to do in the event of an Accident or Occupational Disease in the Workplace; Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment.