Hiowa boy dies after dragged by horse

Police in Regional Division #9 are investigating an incident which resulted in the death of Cansius Constance,  an 11-year-old Grade Six pupil of Hiowa Primary School and a resident of Hiowa Village, Central Rupununi.

Investigations, the police say,  revealed that at about 11 am on Thursday, the victim was riding a horse with a rope but without a saddle when he accidentally fell off the horse and his left foot became entangled  with the rope.

The horse then dragged the boy  about 500 meters through a savannah before coming to a halt. The victim’s sister, Alima Constance, an 18-year-old farmer of Hiowa Village, went to his assistance and discovered that he was motionless. She then summoned Doctor Jason Smith, who visited the area and pronounced the 11-year-old dead. The Police examined the body, and several bruises were observed on the entire body,  consistent with the dragging explanation that was given to the Police.

The body is at the Lethem Hospital’s mortuary, awaiting a PME.