Man stabbed to death in North Rupununi

-after argument over cows

Police are investigating the murder of Chardson Ernest, a 40-year-old farmer of Fly Hill, North Rupununi, which occurred at about 3.30 am on Thursday  at Fly Hill, Region Nine.

The police said in a statement that Investigations revealed that the victim is the nephew of the 47-year-old suspect and they resided in Fly Hill. On Wednesday, 17th July 2024, at about 8 pm, the victim, along with the suspect, the suspect’s 57-year-old brother and a 22-year-old farmer (the victim’s nephew), were all consuming rum at a street corner, about 50 metres from their home.

At about 10 pm on  Wednesday, the 22-year-old farmer went home, leaving the victim, the suspect, and the suspect’s brother still imbibing at the same location.

At about 2 am on Thursday, the 22-year-old said he was awoken by a loud noise. He overheard a heated argument between the victim and the two brothers. The brothers accused the victim of stealing their cows, the police said.

At about 2.30 am, the victim walked away from the brothers and went home. There, he sat on a bench on the outer part of his one-storey flat house, after which the 22-year-old nephew retired back to bed.

 At about 3.30 am, the 22-year-old was again awoken by the victim’s voice as he shouted for help. The 22-year-old said he rushed out of the house to the victim’s aid but saw him on the ground and the suspect walking away from the yard with a knife in his hand.

The 22-year-old said he immediately took away the knife from the suspect, who then escaped. Police are looking presently looking for the suspect.

The victim’s body is at the Lethem Regional Hospital’s mortuary, awaiting a Post-Mortem Examination.