Silver-plated gold accused charged with money laundering

-granted bail of $500,000 each

Four persons who were held by police as part of probe into the disguising of gold jewellery as silver were yesterday charged with money laundering.

In a statement, the police said that Saffee Ahmad called ‘Chillo’, 58, Shameena Ahamad, 52, and Ashiana Salamalay, 33, all of 38 Roraima Scheme, Versailles, West Bank Demerara, and Ian Jacobis, 44, of 749 Plantation Best, West Coast Demerara, were all charged separately with the offences of Money Laundering, in contravention of Section 3(1)(b) of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Act Cap 10:11.

The accused appeared at the Diamond Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate  Sunil Scarce, where the charges were read to them, and they were not required to plead.