Stabroek News

Public Works’ minister’s termination of contracts clearly not even-handed

Dear Editor,

The Minister of Public Works recently terminated some public works contracts in outlying areas such as Bendorff, Tuschen, Aracari. While this crackdown is much appreciated by the long suffering public, one cannot help but wonder if these decisions are being made even handedly? After all there are some projects closer to the city that are now long past their completion date but are still allowed to putter on with little or no urgency for completion. A classic case in point is the Cemetery Road project. This project is way behind schedule and there is very little evidence of the works being speeded up for completion in the near future. In the meantime, the public continues to suffer undue stress while trying to navigate this incomplete road.

A question that has inevitably arisen is, why are small contractors being held to task while other bigger projects are not? In the interest of transparency, the Minister and his ministry should publicly provide the exact reason/s why the small projects were terminated and compare that to the reason/s why some larger projects are lagging so far behind their completion date but yet allowed to continue. Hopefully the minister’s termination of those contracts in far flung areas is the start of a new dispensation where all contractors are held to the same standard of efficiency and quality.  


(Name and Address Withheld)

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